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One mthod of handling PrintRange using the PrintPreview control

It would have been easier if documentation simply said it is up to the implementer to actually control the printrange based on the PrinterSettings.PrintRange, but neither Microsoft nor Infragistics shared that knowledge. So after digging around in TheCodeProject for printing articles, I learned that the reponsibility of controlling what pages actually are printed is a function of the implementer of a PrintPreview control. Perhaps the PrintPreviewDialog does this automatically, but if you are using the UltraPrintPreviewControl (found in the Infragistics.Win.Printing namespace). The following code snippets reflect use of the Document engine (not the UltraWinPrintDocument) used in conjunction with the PrintPreview control noted above. The code essentially indexes the ReportPages collection to get the specific page requested during the printing. The page to print is derived from the PrintRange property, the FromPage and ToPage if the property is SomePages, or the current preview page for CurrentPage.

    Private Sub btnPrinterSetup_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrinterSetup.Click
            Dim pd As System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog = New System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog
            With pd
                .AllowPrintToFile = False
                .PrinterSettings = upDocument.PrinterSettings
                .UseEXDialog = True
                If (Not myReportPages Is Nothing) Then
                    .AllowSomePages = True
                    .AllowCurrentPage = True
                    .PrinterSettings.FromPage = 1
                    .PrinterSettings.ToPage = myReportPages.Count
                End If
                If (.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) Then
                    ' Validate the PrintRange if selected
                    If (.PrinterSettings.PrintRange = Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.SomePages) Then
                        If (.PrinterSettings.FromPage < 1) Then .PrinterSettings.FromPage = 1
                        If (.PrinterSettings.ToPage > myReportPages.Count) Then
                            .PrinterSettings.ToPage = myReportPages.Count
                        End If
                    End If
                    upDocument.PrinterSettings = .PrinterSettings
                    upDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PrinterSettings = .PrinterSettings
                    ' User clicked the print button
                End If
            End With
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' This handler is called after the page is printed.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="sender"></param>
    ''' <param name="e"></param>
    ''' <remarks>Use this to determine if there are more pages to print.</remarks>
    Private Sub upDocument_PagePrinted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.Printing.PagePrintedEventArgs) Handles upDocument.PagePrinted
        If (Not myReportPages Is Nothing) Then
            Dim LastPage As Integer
            With e.Document.PrinterSettings
                Select Case .PrintRange
                    Case Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.SomePages
                        ' Determine the last page number we need to print
                        ' Note that printed pages are 1, 2, ...
                        LastPage = .ToPage - .FromPage + 1
                    Case Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.CurrentPage
                        ' There would be only one page printed
                        Exit Sub
                    Case Else
                        ' This handles print all pages; we do not permit 'print selection'
                        LastPage = myReportPages.Count
                End Select
            End With
            If (LastPage > e.Document.PageNumber) Then
                e.HasMorePages = True
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Handler called before the document page is printed
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="sender"></param>
    ''' <param name="e"></param>
    ''' <remarks>Choose the correct page based on the document page number and the PrintRange.</remarks>
    Private Sub upDocument_PagePrinting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.Printing.PagePrintingEventArgs) Handles upDocument.PagePrinting
        If (myReportPages Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub
            Dim PageNumber As Integer = e.Document.PageNumber
            Dim CurrentReportPage As Integer
            With e.Document.PrinterSettings
                Select Case .PrintRange
                    Case Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.SomePages
                        CurrentReportPage = .FromPage - 1 + PageNumber
                    Case Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.CurrentPage
                        CurrentReportPage = upPreview.CurrentPage
                    Case Else
                        ' This handles print all pages; we do not permit 'print selection'
                        CurrentReportPage = PageNumber
                End Select
            End With
            ' Update the document footer to actual page number rather than relative page number
            upDocument.Footer.TextCenter = String.Format("Page {0} of {1}", CurrentReportPage, myReportPages.Count)
            ' Get the base-0 report page that is identified by the (base-1) page number
            Dim Page As Infragistics.Documents.Report.Projection.IProjectionPage = myReportPages(CurrentReportPage - 1)

            myMetafile = GetPageAsMetafile(Page, 1.0)   ' Get the page as a metafile
            ' We always draw the page at the origin
            e.Graphics.EnumerateMetafile(myMetafile, New Point(0, 0), metafileDelegate)
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

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