Hi Everyone-
I am developing an application and I have a proof of concept demo that I am needing to give. I am utilizing the Ribbon Control. At this stage of the demo, I only will have one ribbon group for one of the tabs on the ribbon control, so there is a lot of free / blank space on the right hand side (like 75% of the ribbon!) This will eventually get filled in as I develop the application, but for my demo, I would like to just put a logo in there that will take up the remaining free space so it doesn't look like a completely empty application.
What I have done, but does not work as well as I had hoped, is created a new ribbon group. I put the caption on that group "Welcome to...." and then I added a container control. I used an ultraPictureBox and set it to the control. It displays in the ribbon and somewhat works. The problem is that if I resize the application and make it a bit bigger, it does not automatically resize (ie, anchor top,left,right) so again I'll get a bunch of free space on the right hand side.
I'm wondering the best way to put an image up there on one of the tabs in the ribbon control and have it automatically resize as the app grows or shrink, like setting the anchor property accordingly. Any suggestions?
I apologize for the lengthy time in response but figured answering this might help if it was never resolved or if someone else wants to do this at some point.
You can still set the Anchor of the control that is shown in the Control Container Tool. So for the UltraPictureBox that is shown in the ControlContainerTool you can set the Anchor and it will stick to it even when placed inside the container.
So in this example just add the Right setting to the Anchor of the UltraPictureBox and it will maintain its distance from the right edge as well as top and left, when the form resizes.