Hi everyone,
In examples section i found an example of virtual wingrid. I applied same pattern to UltraCombo component. I've noticed there is huge penalty when control is displayed for the first time. (it reads all rows in data collection - i believe sorting should be turned off, as well as autosize option).
ultraCombo1.DisplayLayout.LoadStyle = LoadStyle.LoadOnDemand;ultraCombo1.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction.Select;ultraCombo1.DisplayLayout.ScrollStyle = ScrollStyle.Immediate;
I could use a hint as to what causes combo box to iterate over all rows in collection.
LoadOnDemand is not supported for UltraCombo or UltraDropDown. Or at least, it will never really work. The reason is that the combo has to search the list to find the Value. It will force loading of all of the child rows the first time the list is searched because it needs to find the item on the list that matches the current Value of the control to select it. So LoadOnDemand doesn't really make sense for a dropdown.
Thank you very much for the explanation. It makes sense now.