Using the UltraMonthView (Version 2008 Vol1), when the startdate of an appointment that spans multiple days falls on the same day as a holiday, the appointment does not visually span the appropriate days.
In the attached screenshot you can see that this particular appoinment is actually spans Sep 10 - Sep 11 , but shows visually on the UltraMonthView as being only the 10th. The UltraWeekView attached to the same UltraCalendarInfo (not shown in the screen shot), DOES display the appointment correctly.
By moving this appointment so the start date doesn't fall on a date that already has an existing holiday, the appointment appears correctly.
Can you offer any advice on this situation?
I see you are using NetAdvantage 2008 Vol. 1, which is no longer maintained. I would recommend that you upgrade to the latest product release (2010 Vol. 2) and apply the latest service release. The behavior you reported has been fixed in the latest service release.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Just checking in again to see what my next steps should be solve this problem. Thanks!
UPDATE: I can duplicate this on a new, blank project:
1) Start a new Windows Forms Project.
2) Drag an Ultramonthview onto Form1.
3) Drag an UltraCalendarInfo onto Form1, and change the CalendarInfo property of UltraMonthView1 to use UltraCalendar1.
4) In the Forms Load event add code:
UltraCalendarInfo1.Holidays.Add(#9/16/2009#, "Test")
5) Run the application and double click on Sep 16 in the Ultramonthview. Add an appointment starting on 9/16 and ending on 9/17 and you will get the following (shown on the attached screen shot). Drag the new appointment around the calendar and you will see it adjusts propertly when there are no holidays around it, but only shows 1 day when you drag it on the 16th (the same day as the existing holiday).