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Treeview Advice

Ok, I'm new to treeviews so I might be asking for too much functionality.

I'm trying to design a treeview that is bound to hierarchical dataset but can have nodes added or deleted at run-time.

Something that looks like this -

+Root node and Button to add child 
         + Child collection in grid  which can be edited and add button for a grandchild
                       - GrandChild collection in grid which can be edited and a Delete Button

I would like the add buttons to add a empty row that could then be edited. I would then have a save button that would save any changes to the treeview.

Is this possible? Is the treeview the best solution?



  • 69832
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Addition and deletion of nodes is currently not supported for nodes that are bound to a data source. You can do this, but you have add/delete the underlying list objects yourself.