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Refreshing an UltraDataSource bound to an ultragrid with Observer pattern data

I have an UltraWinGrid bound to an UltraDataSource with an CSLA Editable Child List (ECL) business objects. This monitor allows QA testers to capture/restore SQL Server test databases to a bank of databases assigned to them. The Operations Monitor (UltraGrid) shows the status and history of opertaions (pending, active, completed, failed, paused, etc.). The central store can recieve updates from multiple users and, therefore, the ops panel will need to be refreshed as status changes.

Question: What is the best way to refresh the rows and cells in a panel in real time? For example, active cells show progress updates in 5% increments, etc. New rows can be added by any user, etc.

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  • 469350
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    If you are going to be sending update notifications to the grid continuously, then I don't think it's possible to also allow users to add or modify data in the grid at the same time. The grid is probably going to exit edit mode and try to commit whatever edit the user might be in the middle of whenever it gets notifications from the data source that data has changed.

    Updating the display when the data source is updated is simple as long as you use a DataSource that correctly implements IBindingList. You don't have to do anything, the IBindinglist will notify the grid of changes automatically.

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