Hey all,
how could I set the Header orientation on Grid, e.g. Horizental or Vertical?
Thanks for your help!
Best regards
Upgrading would certainly be the easiest way to get vertical headers.
Another option would be to draw them yourself. There's a sample of this in the WinGrid Samples Explorer under the Extensibility samples.
Hello Brian,
thank you very much for your reply.
Now I am using Infragistics v8.1 which does not contain <TextOrientationInfo> class,but v8.2 can support this feature... so should I upgrade?
Best wishes
The Override class exposes a 'ColumnHeaderTextOrientation' property, so you can set this on the Layout or the Band. You can also set it for an individual column using UltraGridColumn.Header.TextOrientation property. The following code sample demonstrates how to rotate the text 90 degress counterclockwise for all column headers:
private void ultraGrid_InitializeLayout(object sender, InitializeLayoutEventArgs e){ TextOrientationInfo info = new TextOrientationInfo(90, TextFlowDirection.Horizontal); e.Layout.Override.ColumnHeaderTextOrientation = info;}