Is it possible to show the week numbers there in the UltraDateTimeEditor?
Hello Timur,
I suppose that your post is duplicate with a case CAS-121129-B7J1F3. When we display Week Numbers, we should increase the size of our parent container, because there are not enough space to display the dropdown part. For example you could try to code below:
private void ultraDateTimeEditor1_AfterDropDown(object sender, EventArgs e)
MonthCalendar cal = DropDownManager.GetCurrentDropDownControl(ultraDateTimeEditor1) as MonthCalendar;
cal.ShowWeekNumbers =true;
cal.Parent.Bounds =new Rectangle(cal.Parent.Bounds.X - 9, cal.Parent.Bounds.Y, 250, 170);
Let me know if you have any questions
Hi there,
three years are gone...but its still the same bug?!
Something doing with this?
I'm trying this code but it seems that when displaying week numbers, the month calendar does not resize correctly, the last day column is missing. Bug?
Handle the AfterDropDown event like so:
void ultraDateTimeEditor_AfterDropDown(object sender, EventArgs e){ UltraDateTimeEditor control = sender as UltraDateTimeEditor; MonthCalendar cal = DropDownManager.GetCurrentDropDownControl( control ) as MonthCalendar; cal.ShowWeekNumbers = true;}