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WinGrid: Unbound Column dropping


I define a columns for wingrid in the designer using "Manually Define a Schema" button in the UltraWinGrid Designer. I add one "unbound column" (whose key does not exists as a property in my data source) along with some bound columns. I also set the appearances for all the columns including unbound column. When I bound the grid with data source like the code below the unbound column is being dropped.

MyDataItems myItems = getData();

ultradGridData.SetDataBinding(myItems , null, true, true);

I know I can add the unbound column in the InitializeLayout event but my unbound column has a particular appearance and column position with in the grid, how can I avoid losing all those properties?

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  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
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    How are you adding the unbound column? You can't add the unbound column as part of the schema that you are manually defining. The schema should only include column that  exist in the data source.

    the unbound column should be added using the "Add Unbound Column" button on the Columns page of the designer.

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