Good evening all,
I am missing something here, probably something simple, but I can't get the first column to act as labels for the row data. Heres an example of my datasource structure:
Time Period--Busi<90--Busi 90To180--Busi 180To360--Busi 360+
01/09/09 20 10 5 2
01/10/09 12 8 15 25
and so on..
Now column "time Period" is a varchar(100). The rest are ints.
On the chart I have the legend correct, Column names 2 - 5.
And the chart lines mapping the data seem to be correct.
What i can't seem to get to happen is the Time Period values I want going accross the bottom axis of the chart.
x y y y y y y y y
Each "Y" should have the label found in the Time period column rows.
currently doing this thru the chart wizard until I get it to look right. then I was going to try and figure out the code to set this all up :)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
NM, its seems it just doesn't show up in the designer mode.
Ran the test app and the labels appeared. DOH!.