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Wintree Data relationship issue

Hi All,

Hope some can help.

I have a wintree control that is bound to a dataset that has a table structure like the following example:




The orders table is linked to the customers table by Customers.ID on Orders.CustomerID using a data relationship between the 2 datatables.

The issu I have is that when this data is displayed, the relationship and node levels are created but also the orders table is added as a root node as well as child nodes of the customers table

What I wish to achive is a SQL server managment style tree where if I click node called customer the all the customer rows are diplayed. If i thing click epand on a customer it will show a node called orders that when expanded will show all the orders for that customre.  I also want the other tables in the dataset that have no relationships to diaplay as normal.

I hope this makes sense to some as it is really anoying me as I cannot fined the right combination of options to achive this?

Any help would be most appreciated.

