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Refresh Grid Row when updated outside the grid

I have an UltraGrid (CustomerGrid)  on the left portion of the screen which allows the user to scroll through customers.  On the right side is a tabbed container containing different tabs related to the current customer selected in the CustomerGrid.  One tab (CustomerEditTab) allows the user to view and/or edit details about the customer selected in the CustomerGrid.  The fields on the CustomerEditTab panel are bound to the same bindingsource as CustomerGrid.  As the use clicks on different customers in CustomerGrid, all the details about the customer are viewable and editable in CustomerEdit Tab to the right.

When the customer data is updated (i.e the Customers name is changed), the changes are not reflected in CustomerGrid unless I reload the grid. I expected the BindingSource to "notify" the grid of the update.

I tried CustomerGrid.selected.rows(0).refresh() but it did not update the grid row in CustomerGrid.  How can I refresh the grid row?