I want to let the users drag and drop the column heeaders to the group by area but not do the grouping..What i am trying to do is get a list of field names by letting the user drag and drop the fields to the Group by area...I tried e.Handled = false in the Grouping event but it takes out the field that was dropped..Is there any control that i can use to let the user drag and drop a field header to and from Grid?
If you want to let the users hide columns, it sounds like you may be looking for the ColumnChooser.
If that's not what you want, then the answer is no. There's no control that you can drag columns to just to keep a list of them.
If you have the latest version of the grid and you want to let the users pick certain columns, then you might want to look into the new CheckBox in Headers feature that was added to the grid in v9.2.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the reply..I wanted to drag and drop columns to get a list of the same..I wish infragistics had a setter for the control(GroupbyAre) which would take a collections of fields i could have used it for the same..but unfortunately it does not...
I will now create my own functionality..
Thanks again..