We are developing a mixed c++ application were we host a usercontrol within an MFC CWinFormsView. This control contains UltraToolbars with PopupMenuTool dropdown menus.
We are experiencing problems with the dropdown menus remaining sticky on the screen when the mouse clicks outside the menu or the form is moved or closed. Furthermore, the Escape doesn't work for closing the menus or any other shortcut key assigned to a menu entry. We also have a WinNavigationBar that has the same problems when a dropdown for a location is opened.
Could you please advise?
In our app (Ribbon is used), the accelerated keys and sticky application menu is unpredictable. If the Alt key is depressed and released:
1. (if things work correctly) Accelerated keys appear and the ribbon application menu would NOT be sticky.
2. (in this case, severe usability problem) Accelerated keys would not show up. Instead, the "Restore, Move, Size.." menu comes up. And the application menu becomes sticky.
Again, this happens unpredictably. And we do not have any Symantec software installed.
In my case all accelerator keys stop working. For instance if one of the menu items is find and I have assigned Ctrl + F to that menu item, Ctrl + F stops working. So in this case it would be the second path just not using the Alt Key but also the Ctrl key. Even a function key accelerator such as F5 from a menu for refresh stops working.
Unfortunately, I recognized early on that there are these two code paths. The program in which I am housing my form with the UltraToolbarsManager has a bug in which it won't send the repetitive key press messages needed when holding the Alt key down. I have filed a bug on this program. I discovered the bug in my housing program when testing a more simple form in which the UltraToolbarsManager. However, in this simple form, I was able to click the Alt key and let up on the key. This caused a key down and key up message to be sent through to my form for the alt key (saw this using MS Spy). When this occured, the simple form would accept mnemonic key input properly for my simple form case.
However, in my complicated form (that I later pared down to nothing but the UltraToolbarsManager), clicking and letting up on the Alt key had no effect. So, all that I can confirm is that the Alt key mnemonics don't always work properly in the code path where the Alt key is pressed and let up. It may be that it doesn't work in the hold-down scenario either, but I can't test that because of the bug in my housing application.
Thanks again for helping to run this to ground.
A general question to anyone having this problem with the Alt key navigation:
It seems there are two code paths used to process mnemonics with the Alt key in toolbars manager. One is used when the Alt key is pressed and released, then the mnemonic is pressed. The other is used when the Alt key is held down while the mnemonic is pressed. We think it may be the latter case that everyone is having a problem with. Can anyone verify that holding down Alt while activating the mnemonic has the bug while releasing Alt before activating the mnemonic works fine?
If anyone can provide this information, or other information relating to how to reproduce the issue, it will definitely help in finding the problem.
It may still be the case that Symantec is the problem here. You may just have another program installed which is causing the same problem Symantec is causing.