If I create a new form with an ultrawintab control on it (or attempt to change the size of a control within an existing form that uses ultrawintab controls) at runtime I get the error
System.InvalidOperationException: Once initialized the SharedControlsPage property of an UltraTabControl cannot be changed.
at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabControlBase.set_SharedControlsPage(UltraTabSharedControlsPage value)
Do you have a version that can be used with VS 2010 - I am still targeting the 3.5 framework at present but the error seems to persist across all targeted platforms.
Thank you.
We have resorted to changing the code directly to make any control changes whilst we wait for a patch or new version. A bit annoying that if you look at the form in design mode then it will become corrupted though..
I have had the same problem I compared the *.designer.vb and found the VS2010 removes the
BeginInit and EndInit calls on the tabcontrol but adding back in
CType(Me.C1Tab1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
CType(Me.C1Tab1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
That seems to work