If I create a new form with an ultrawintab control on it (or attempt to change the size of a control within an existing form that uses ultrawintab controls) at runtime I get the error
System.InvalidOperationException: Once initialized the SharedControlsPage property of an UltraTabControl cannot be changed.
at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabControlBase.set_SharedControlsPage(UltraTabSharedControlsPage value)
Do you have a version that can be used with VS 2010 - I am still targeting the 3.5 framework at present but the error seems to persist across all targeted platforms.
I have had the same problem I compared the *.designer.vb and found the VS2010 removes the
BeginInit and EndInit calls on the tabcontrol but adding back in
CType(Me.C1Tab1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
CType(Me.C1Tab1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
That seems to work
Thank you.
We have resorted to changing the code directly to make any control changes whilst we wait for a patch or new version. A bit annoying that if you look at the form in design mode then it will become corrupted though..