I am working on a program that has multiple win grids on it. I need to export each grid into one excel document as a separate sheet. Is there a way to do this with the UltraGridExcelExporter? I am using version 5.3 of infragistics....
For example, how do I write the 'Workbook' to a file?
MyWorkbook.ActiveWorksheet = MyWorkbook.Worksheets("Customers")
Me.UltraGridExcelExporterMain.Export(gridCustomers, MyWorkbook)
Me.UltraGridExcelExporterMain.Export(gridJobs, MyWorkbook)
So now I have an instance of an infragistics excel workbook, but how do I write it to a file?
Infragistics.Excel.BIFF8Writer.WriteWorkbookToFile(MyWorkBook, filename)
I have just upgraded to 2008.1
I am now getting the following warning in VB2005:
Warning 3 'Infragistics.Excel.BIFF8Writer' is obsolete: 'Deprecated. The BIFF8Writer class has been replaced by the Save instance methods of Workbook.' C:\VS\ODG\ABS\Forms\ASFBASE1.vb 2246 17 ABS
Apparently BIFF8Writer has been deprecated. Can you tell me how to use this new instance method?
Oh, I guess I am behind the times.
Um... I'm not sure what your question is. Apparently, you just sall the Save method on the Workbook object.
I would if I could, and I don't see how I can, and that is why I am asking.
When I use intellisense to see the methods that hang off the workbook class, I do not see the save method:
This is the code that the warning is referring to:
Infragistics.Excel.BIFF8Writer.WriteWorkbookToFile(myWorkbook, ASCMAIN1.Folders("Work") & xlsFileName & ".xls")
So where is the Save method?
It's an instance method.
The save method of the workbook takes the location where the excel file is to be created.
oWorkbook.save("C:\Documents and settings\abc\desktop")
Instead of hardcoding the location I want the user to select the location of where the excel is to be created. I would appreciate if some replies to my post.
Your question is really not related to the workbook or the Infragistics components. I think what you probably want to do is use the OpenFileDialog component which is part of the DotNet Framework.