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Unpinned pane not confined to desired area (Total Newbie)

O.K. - I'm pretty new to the UltraDockManager and I'm still a little (lot) unclear how some of this works so bear with me as I try to explain what I have & what I want..

Anyhow - What I have is a form with the following:

Data Selector (Yellow) -> UltraTree in a docking pane - Docked Left

Dialog (White) -> A custom user control in a docking Pane - Docked Bottom

Notes (Lt. Blue) -> What will be an UltraGrid or custom control in a docking pane -  Docked Top

Main Form Area (Orange) -> A Panel Control that is NOT in a docking pane with it's dock property set to Fill. At run time this will contain any 1 of 6 User Controls depending upon the selection made in the Data Selector (Yellow) Ultra Tree.

Currently when I Un-Pin the Notes (Lt Blue) section - the tab selector that is created spans the entire top of the form (as shown below). What I want is for it to remain in the same area as the Main Form Area (Orange) and not to span across the Vertical Splitter of the Data Selector (Yellow) area.

Clear as mud?

I am adding the Notes (Lt. Blue) section as an "upgrade" to an existing project that has otherwise been working / performing fine (in relation to the UltraDockManager).

Alternately the Notes section could be docked at the "bottom" of the main form area above the Dialog section - but the desired results would be the same - when un-pinned it should not leave the confines of the Main Form Area (Orange)

  • 44743
    Suggested Answer

    You can do this, but with one downside. To do this you would have to define a custom UserControl with a UltraDockManager on it. You Notes pane would have to be added to this UltraDockManager instead of the main Form's. The orange control would also be added to the custom UserControl with a Dock property set to Fill. On the main Form, you would add an instance of the UserControl to the Form and set its Dock property to Fill. It must be done this way only because the auto-hide controls which are added to the container of the UltraDockManager hold the unpinned tabs for panes. They have their Dock properties set to Top, Left, Right, and Bottom and therefore must span the entire length/width of the side of the container they are on. This is why using a UserControl would solve your issue, because it spans the same width as the orange control.

    The downside: the Notes pane cannot "mix" with the other panes from the main Form's UltraDockManager and vice versa. It cannot be grouped with these panes and it cannot dock to the main Form's dock areas.

  • 840

    bumping this as well...


    As simple "this can't be done" response is fine as well.  The support for the DockManager seems to be pretty lacking.