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Foce AppointmentDialog on ClicktoAdd

I have a working custom dialog for editing appointments.  It is called in the BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event. 

The primary method for adding appointments in my app is by the user dragging "people" onto the calendar day view from an ultraGrid listing people with whom appointments can be made. On the drop event on the UltraDayView I call my CreateAppointment method which creates the appointment and displays my customer dialog. This all works well.

I would like to call my CreateAppoinment method when the user creates an appointment by clicking on the dayview; however, although there are before and after events for editing, resizing and deleting appointments, I do not see one for adding. 

How can I call my create appointment dialog when the user adds a new appointment using ClickToAdd on the DayView? Altenatively, if this is non-trivial,  I would like to disable the clickToAdd functionality of the UltraDayView.


  • 69832
    Verified Answer
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    The associated UltraCalendarInfo exposes a BeforeAppointmentAdded event. You can disable the click to add indicator by setting ShowClickToAddIndicator to false.