I am binding a List of custom object to a grid(lets call it source grid). I also have another grid (call it: destination grid) on my form, where the users will be able to drag drop the rows from the source grid.I have been able to do all this, and add the custom object dropped on to the destination grid into the destination grid's List (datasource). I then bind this List again to the destination grid. Is this necessary? Is there no way that the grid automatically rebinds to the list, once it is changed. Or do I have to implement some inerface on the collection I am binding. Please help.(Also to note: I am doing some initialization on column formatting and stuffs on both grids but not on the layout event. I do them manually, once my first grid gets bound to the data. This is because, I rebind on every row addition/deletion to the destination grid, and this triggers the initialize layout, which disturbs the users formatting and also the initial formatting.)I checked the entire knowledge base as well as the forums, and I didn't find this question before. If it has been posted, please point me to the correct thread/link.
Thank you,Karthik
Perfectly what I want. And this also doesn't trigger the initialize layout event on the grid, which is what I want.Here is the MSDN link on BindingList<> and more: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms951295.aspx
Thank you,Karthik.
bkarthee said:Is there no way that the grid automatically rebinds to the list, once it is changed. Or do I have to implement some inerface on the collection I am binding.