I'm working on an application where the user needs to be able to enter the full 8 digit date 12/12/1902 and 12/12/2002 but I haven't found how to keep the ultraCalendarCombo from auto completing the year after the first 6 digits are entered. I know there has got to be a way would someone please point me to it.
This turned out to be an issue with our validation logic, not the control it self. Sorry for the trouble.
I am not following exactly how to reproduce the problem. If possible, please attach a simple sample that demonstrates the problem, and/or provide some details about how the problem can be reproduced. The UltraCalendarCombo control does now "auto-complete" the value, unless you leave the control with a bad value, in which case it fires the ValidationError event.
Setting the format to mm/dd/yyyy did not keep the issue from happening. Not being able to enter a four digit year seems to be a rather large issue. What am I missing?
to be a little more clear. I'm trying to enter the date 12/12/1902. When I input the string 121219, the calendar combo sets the date as 12/12/2019 so there isn't any opportunity to actually enter a four digit year.
I'm not sure I understand. I can set a date time object to any valid date, why is the control parsing the entered value before I'm even done entering the value?