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Maximize and Minimize buttons for MdiTabGroup

I have a requirement to display various panes grouped as Tabs. There will be more than one Tab group in the form. These panes can be dragged into another Tab group, closed, minimized or maximized. I first tried using DockManager but that provides maximize option only within the DockAreaPane not to the form height and width. UltraTabbedMdiManager provides maximize option as desirable but I need to display button for this feature as displayed in the screenshot. I also need a minimize option. How these functionalities can be achieved?



  • 265
    Verified Answer

    I am able to achieve the Maximize button and feature using CreationFilter. I placed an ImageandTextButtonUIElement in the MdiTabGroup to get this worked.

    On click of maximize button, setting following property to get the window in maximize state:



    .mdiManager.IsActiveTabGroupMaximized = true;

