I have an UltraGrid with multiple rows.When I set the selectedRowAppearance.ForeColor, itbecomes applicable to all the selected rows.Is there a way to set the SelectedRowAppearanceproperty for a single row at runtime ??I dont want this property to affect all the selected rows.
Probably because the last selected row is the active row. There are several appearances that can override cell.SelectedAppearance, in order of precedence:
In addition, in v9.2 (though I haven't tried this yet), there is a cell.ActiveAppearance that would override all of these.
My guess is that the ActiveRowAppearance is taking precedence over the selected appearance, then. If you are using the latest version of the grid, there's also an ActiveAppearance on the cell.
In any prior version, you will need to remove the ActiveRowAppearance, or else use a DrawFilter.
Hi Mike,I tried doing that , but if I select a single row it doesnt work. However, If I select multiple rows, it does work for all the rows other than the one I selected last. --Sid.
Hi Mike,
I will iterate through the desired row and try that property for each cell.Thanks.!!
Hi Sid,
I don't think you can do this for a row. But there is a SelectedAppearance on the Cell in the latest version of the grid. So you could set the SelectedAppearance.ForeColor on each cell.