There are couple of requirement i need to fulfill using the UltraCombo.
1. I need to show multiple columns.
: So i use UltraCombo.
2. The user will be typing the first 3 letters and it will show the names searches with the given letters in the dropdown.
: So i use autocomplete->Suggest.
3. There should be a checkbox so that user will be selecting only one name at a time.
I used ChecklistSettings and achieved this.
Now, If i enable the checkbox then im not able to use the suggest option. If i disable that i am able to use the suggest.
So please help me with a solution how i can achieve the auto complete mode -> Suggest with the checkboxes for the user selection.
If i am using with out checkboxes then it will show the selected one, but i have another requirement which i am using leave event to populate other controls with the value which the user selects in the ultracombo and if user types something and click on outside the ultracombo, the ultracombo is selecting the first item from the drop down and populating it in the editorbox. This is causing trouble of loading wrong value on other controls.That is why i tried using the checkbox options.
So please suggest a solution for this.
Thanks for your reply.
Even if we are using the ItemNotList event my problem will not resolve.
Why because
Suppose in the UltraCombo Editor i am typing "ABC" and in the list there are 2 items "ABCD" and "ABC". So unless and untill if i select "ABC" from the dropdown what ever i typed in the Editor Box should treat it as a new item. and this item i need to save as a new item. So next time i could see "ABC","ABCD",ABC" in the drop down if i am searching for "ABC".
For this reason only i need to use the checkbox.
I hope you are getting me now.
I'm still not clear on why you would use CheckBoxes for this. If the user can only select a single item, then there's no reason to use a CheckBox. The user just clicks on the item and the Value and Text of the control will display that item. If you want to trap for when the user types something that is not on the list, you could use the ItemNotInList event of the IsItemInList method of the control.
My requirement with the check box is if the user is not selecting any value then what user types in the editor box will consider as a new item. If the user selects any value from the dropdown then I need to populate other controls in the form with the value user selected using check box.
Why turn on checkboxes if the user can only select one option at a time? CheckBoxes are to allow the user to make multiple selections. If you only need one selected value at a time, you don't need a checkbox.