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ensure DockAreaPane and/or DockableControlPane is visible

I programmatically instantiate DockAreaPanes in my app.  Users open and close controls and use the UltraDockManager to change the layout as needed.  When a control is opened it is wrapped in a DockableControlPane and then a default DockAreaPane.

The problem occurs when users move control(s) from the default DockAreaPane into a new DockAreaPane and then open a new control.  The new control opens just fine but sometimes that default pane is hidden underneath all the other panes.  To access it, users must move or close all other other panes to find the new control.

All I want is a technique that ensures a DockAreaPane and/or DockableControlPane is _really_ visible.  Ideally, it would behave like Form.BringToFront().

BTW - Not sure if it matters but I'm using v8.1 and setting DockManager.LayoutStyle = DockAreaLayoutStyle.FillContainer and I'm working with UserControls (not MDI child forms)

I learned the hard way that when the last control is removed from a DockAreaPane that the DockAreaPane is released by the UltraDockManager - so, the problem is not that the default DockAreaPane doesn't exist - it is recreated as needed.

  • 365
    Offline posted

    Ah, I get it.  When the new DockAreaPane is added to the UltraDockManager.DockArea collection, I need to insert it (at index 0) instead of adding (add the end of the collection).  Made that change and now the new controls are always visible.

    Could be my fault but I can never find this sort of information in the documentation.  Does it exist anywhere?  These types of issues cost me a lot of time (esp with the UltraDockManager and UltraGrid).