I am using 2008.1 Wintree and have set my Wintree to use the new Vista DisplayStyle.
It looks great, but I find it takes a lot more space vertically to display the same number of nodes.
I am not sure whether each node is larger, or is spaced more, but after an hour of searching and playing, I cannot seem to make any difference (to be smaller) to the overall height now required the tree.
Thanks for any help...
The Vista style requires larger nodes because of the borders with rounded edges.So each node needs some padding around the text to accomodate the highlight.
Have you tried setting NodeSpacingBefore and NodeSpacingAfter? These might help reduce the spacing.
Hello Mike,
We are using ultrawintree (v 8.3), we want to increase the spacing of the node only from the top only top node.
Rather we want spacing to be equal from left, top and between the node. Please find attached the screen shots
We have set the display style to "Window Vista", NodeSpacingAfter to "1 " and NodeSpacingBefore to "3". We have kept the ShowRootline and showlines properties to True.
For increasing the space from the left side, we have implemented the "IUIElementCreationFilter", to provide the indent and remove the root connector.
Can you please tell me how to increase the spacing from the top of the node (only above the top node).
this.ultraTree1.Nodes[0].Override.NodeSpacingBefore = whatever;
Thanks Brian,
It worked.