We have set RowSizingAutoMaxLines to 10 for screen display. But for grid report, we'd like to display all info, is there a way to reset RowSizingAutoMaxLines for grid report.
Hi Crystal,
Assuming you have set the property on the grid's DisplayLayout.Override, you could do this.
If you set on the band and not the DisplayLayout, then you would have to reset on the band, as well.
private void ultraGrid1_InitializePrint(object sender, CancelablePrintEventArgs e) { e.PrintLayout.Override.ResetRowSizingAutoMaxLines(); }
Thanks Mike, I am trying to modify print display layout in InitializePrint event handler. I'd like to know which value to use to remvoed the RowSizingAutoMaxLine limit.
What exactly do you mean by "grid report?"
If you are printing or exporting the grid, then there are events you can trap where you will be passed in a clone of the grid's DisplayLayout and you can modify the properties on the layout without affecting the on-screen grid.
The events to use would be things like InitializePrint, InitializePrintPreview, BeginExport, etc. But without knowing what kind of report you are talking about, it's hard to give you a clear answer.