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ultraTabPagecontrol and resources


I have a problem to translate the resources of my Forms which are set to Localizable to true.

I have noticed that the ultraTabPageControl has not any Text property.

Into the resrouces file I can see items for TabPageControl objects, but their IDS came from the objects' name automatically generated from design.

So, the problem is, if we remove a tabPage and create a new one, the tabPage name does not re-use the last free tabnumber; I mean the name is always incrementing, even if one tabPage has been deleted.


Because of that, that piece of code added to bypass the fact the the TabPageControl has no Text property can not fully solve the problem:


control.Text = (string)GetSafeValue(resources, control.Name + ".Text", control.Text);
if (control is Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabPageControl)
       Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabPageControl tabPageControl =     (Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabPageControl) control;
       if (tabPageControl.Tab != null)
             control.Text = (String) GetSafeValue(resources, tabPageControl.Tab.Key + ".Text",  tabPageControl.Tab.Text);


I think also that the reason of the problem is because the tabPageControl has no "Name" property, like it is for standrad windows  TabPage control.



We are experiencing same problem with statusbar control, and ultraTree.

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