After call of this its will collapsed all expanded Groups.
For example:
(-) Prage (2 items)
row 1
row 2
(-) Brno (2 items)
Onec I add row 5 s City = Prage, and after call RefreshSort i see:
(+) Prage (3 items)
(+) Brno (2 items)
What can I do to keep collapsing state in its original.
Thank you.
This fixed it for me so easy:
Mike Saltzman"] The grid probably throws away the GroupByRows and creates new ones. If you are calling this method just so re-sort a single row, then maybe you just need to call RefreshSortPosition on the individual row rather than RefreshSort on the SortedColumns collection.
The grid probably throws away the GroupByRows and creates new ones. If you are calling this method just so re-sort a single row, then maybe you just need to call RefreshSortPosition on the individual row rather than RefreshSort on the SortedColumns collection.
anton_pavlov said: I'll test this function and i shell write the result here.
I have write simple application that clarify problem I have (see .zip attached).
Initial state is shown in pic1.jpg - there is two group with 6 element on each.
After I call change, one of rows will changes value from A to AAA (pic2.jpg).
Now I want to implemet action, on with application will regroup rows by new values. If I call RefreshSort, all groups have been collapsed (pic3.jpg).
Sources are in archive too.
>The grid probably throws away the GroupByRows and creates new ones.
Its mean, that if some row throw it changes must go to other group, all groups will collapse?
I surmise that one calling RefreshSort has hi perfomance that several successive calls of RefreshSortPosition, and I have feeling, that RefreshSort can't change group of the row, and, for example, change the count of rows in group title?
I'll test this function and i shell write the result here.