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How to add KeyPress Event in UltraTextEditor

I tried the following code.

    Private Sub AddNewDefinition_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddDefinition.Click

      AddHandler NewGradeDefinition.GradeRepresentation.KeyPress, AddressOf DontAcceptSpaces

     End Sub

    Private Sub DontAcceptSpaces(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs)
        If e.KeyChar = " "c Then
            e.Handled = False
        End If
    End Sub


When I typed into the textbox(a ultratextEditor type) it doest call the DontAcceptSpaces subroutine.

It was running fine on .NET's textbox but not in ultratexteditor, how can I add this event in my control programmatically on runtime?

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  • 69832
    Suggested Answer
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    Assuming that 'NewGradeDefinition.GradeRepresentation' references the UltraTextEditor, the event handler registration looks correct. I don't know if the e.KeyChar = " "c condition will evaluate to true for the space key; you might have to use CHR(34). Also, you have to set Handled to true, not false, to "eat" the key.

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