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Is it possible to display tooltip on a ultralabel when trimmed


does someone know if there is a possibility to display a tooltip (showing the complete text) on a ultralabel if the label text is trimmed.




  • 5118

    Hi Stefan,

    Sorry for the delay in responding to your inquiry.  You can use an UltraTooltipManager to show the full text of the UltraLabel. 

    Add an UltraTooltipManager to your form.  In code set the tooltip text for the UltraLabel as follows:

     new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolTip.UltraToolTipInfo(this.ultraLabel1.Text,
      "Full UltraLabel Text Title",

    You might also want to set the UltraTooltips.AutoPopDelay to a larger value if the text is long so the user has an opportunity to read it but not too long that it lingers unnecessarily.