Here's the scenario.
On a Windows form I have some editor controls (UltraTextEditor, UltraNumericEditor, etc.). On this form I have two ToolbarManagers. I have the ContextMenu on ToolbarManager1 property on the editors set at design time. I am setting the ContextMenu on ToolbarManager2 property on the editors at runtime using:
ToolBarManager.SetContextMenuUltra(Editor, "RequiredFieldManager")
I have MergeOrder set to 0 and MergeType set to MergeItems on both PopupMenu Tools.
Here is the problem: I only get the context menu items from the context menu set at run time and not the one set at design time. How can I work around this so I can see context menu tools from both?
Hello Desertfoxmb,
You are able to merging the ToolbarManager`s of two windows forms (MDI parent and child form). We support automatic merging of child toolbars, tools and menus into parent toolbars, tools and menus. More information about our ToolbarManager you could find in our online documentation.
Please let me know if you have any questions.