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saving annotations

Does SavePreset save the annotations added to a chart?  If not, how can I easily save annotations that can later be loaded to a chart?

Is there a list of settings that are saved by SavePreset?

  • 28496
    Verified Answer
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    bbdt_travis said:
    Does SavePreset save the annotations added to a chart? 


    bbdt_travis said:
    Is there a list of settings that are saved by SavePreset?

    i don't think one has been published, but I will show you the "exclusions" config file from our sources.  All properties will be saved by SavePreset except the ones listed as Exclusions in the following XML.  The properties listed as Appearance or Behavior properties will be saved or not saved based on one of the arguments in SavePreset/LoadPreset.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <UltraChart BehaviorProperties="AccessKey Enabled EnableViewState Transform3D Tooltips TitleTop TitleBottom TitleLeft TitleRight ImagePipePageName EnableScrollBar EnableCrossHair EmptyChartText Drill DeploymentScenario Data ChartType" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions="ID Name Height Width Size Location X Y Layer UserLayerIndex TabIndex Dock DataSource DataMember">
    <Transform3D BehaviorProperties="" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions=""></Transform3D>
    <Tooltips BehaviorProperties="" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions=""></Tooltips>
    <TitleTop BehaviorProperties="Text" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions=""></TitleTop>
    <TitleBottom BehaviorProperties="Text" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions=""></TitleBottom>
    <TitleRight BehaviorProperties="Text" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions=""></TitleRight>
    <TitleLeft BehaviorProperties="Text" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions=""></TitleLeft>
    <Drill BehaviorProperties="Enabled ShowButton" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions="DrillElements"></Drill>
    <DeploymentScenario BehaviorProperties="FilePath ImageType ImageURL Scenario" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions=""></DeploymentScenario>
    <Data BehaviorProperties="MaxValue MinValue UseMinMax UseRowLabelColumn ZeroAligned" AppearanceProperties="*" Exclusions="RowLabelsColumn DataMember DataSource RowLabelsColumn"></Data>
    <CompositeChart BehaviorProperties="Series ChartAreas ChartLayers Legends"></CompositeChart>