I have a scatter chart in which I need to set the size of the icon of one particular point to a larger size. What is the best way to go about this? I will need to determine which point to make larger dynamically based on x & y value.
I have added the problem as a bug in our system under the number of 28331 so you could follow its status.
I hope it will be fixed for the next release of the control.
Sample attached.
The issue is with vertical annotations, not axis labels. If you meant annotations, I'd be very interested to find out why printing vertical annotations worked correctly for you especially since Infragistics was able to reproduce that issue from a separate trouble ticket.
I'm tryging to reproduce it setting VerticalLeftFacing to the X and Y axis labels but still got no luck - every chart element stays on its place when printing it. Please, attach a sample project through the Option tabs while posting.
I have determined that this issue only occurs when there is a VerticalLeftFacing or VerticalRightFacing annotation on the chart when you print. Horizontal annotations do not have this negative side effect. This may be related to a trouble ticket that I have open with printing VerticalLeftFacing or VerticalRightFacing annotations - the annotation text and border are printed separately from each other and both the text and the border are printed in the wrong place. The icon printing issue and vertical annotation printing issue can both be seen in print preview (so you don't have to actually print and waste paper).
Should I create a trouble ticket for this icon issue as well?
I can do anything unless I reproduce the issue locally. Please, send me a sample project so I could see what is going on. Thank you!