I have a grid with ValueList. I allow the user to change the value via dropdownlist, however, I also have cancel button on the row so that user may rollback to the original value. It seems to work on first rollback. But on consequent try, it restores the user selection from the dropdownlist. Seems like OriginalValue is changed when the dropdownlist value is changed. How can I preserve the OriginalValue so that I can restored to? Thanks.
How, exactly, are you canceling the changes to the row? It sounds to me like maybe you are doing this the hard way.
Did you know that if the user presses Escape once it will, by default, cancel any pending changes to the current ActiveCell? And that if they press Escape again, it will cancel all pending changes in the entire row?
To achieve the same effect in code, you only have to call CancelUpdate on the Row, you do not need to store the values yourself.