The formula I use in my Ultragrid column is the following:
if( [Column1]='0001' , 'Gernot' , 'Michael' )
The Excel formula created during the export is:
=IF((B6 = "0001"), "Gernot", "Michael")
An Error occurs in Excel and the FormulaxportErrorEvent is fired
The error text is:
A function in the formula has no closing parenthesis. Portion with error: IF((B6 = "0001")
Thank you for any help!
Hi Michael,
The new error is a known bug and will be fixed in the next service release.
Hi Mike,
thank for your quick reply. I opened a support request five days ago (CAS-40754-SHUE7Z) but didn't get any answer.
I use the version 2009.2.2035. I installed the hotfix 2058. But when I use the version 2058 all formulas have the following error (Das Objekt des Typs "Infragistics.Win.CalcEngine.IUltraCalcFormulaToken[]" kann nicht in Typ "Infragistics.Win.CalcEngine.UltraCalcFormulaToken[]" umgewandelt werden.).
Thank you
I tried this out and I am getting errors when I try to open the Excel file but I don't get the FormulaExportError firing.
My formula looks just like yours, though, and I don't see anything wrong with it, nor any reason why it should not work in Excel, so it looks like there's a bug here.
I'm going to forward this thread over to Infragistics developer support so they can check it out, but they will probably need more information from you, like what version you are using.