I have an Excel file which I load into an Infragistics.Excel.Workbook object. In this Excel file, I have a cell where I put a value, and another one which calculates something from the first one. In my code, I want to retrieve the resulting value from this second cell, but all I can get is the formula itself.How do I tell the Infragistics.Excel engine to give me the value, not the formula?ThanksGuy
No, it is not working for me.
For example, from debugger the cell has a formula like this:
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B3,'[1]Special Bids'!$A:$R,16,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP(B3,'[1]Special Bids'!$A:$R,16,FALSE))
and the cell.Value return 0 while the Excel shows value of 123.
I tried the ApplyFormula() but it did not help:
So the WorksheetCell is returning the formula correctly, but not the value.
Formula solving has been implemented since the 8.3 version. All you need to do is ask the cell for its Value property and if the cell has a formula applied, it will be solved. Is this not working for you? If not, what formula is applied to the cell?
Hi Mike,
We are using the Net Advantage V10.2 version and need this feature too. It does not seem to have this feature included in this version. Do you know of any hot fix that can be installed on V10.2 to get this working?
Hi Yamini,
I'm not sure what you checked, exactly, but this feature was added in the 2008.3 release of NetAdvantage.
I just checked that 2008.3 release doesnt not have this feature.
I have some named refernces and formulas in cells that need to be calculated based on values in other cells.