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Summary in Texbox

I have read about everything I can find on this subject, but cannot find a solution.  Please help!

All I am trying to accomplish is put a summary label or textbox outside of the grid, and have the calcManager update the value based on the data in the grid.  No matter what I've tried, all I get is "#REF!" or "invalid or unavailable reference" errors.

1.  I am using WinForms, version 9.2,

2.  I have dropped an UltraGrid, UltraCalcManager and TextBox control on the form.

3.  In the textbox, I set up the CalcSettings properties:

  • sum( [//grdPosition/Band 0/Volume] )   (VOLUME is a bound data column)
  • PropertyName:  Text
  • TreatAsType:  Int32  (I've tried string too).

My grid is populated with data as expected.  I can get internal summary information working properly, but the appearance doesn't fit my requirements, so I am trying to implement a custom solution.

What am I missing?  Advice is appreciated!

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  • 230
    Verified Answer

    As I was about to give up, I found that the Band Name must match the grid's bound datatable name.  Changing this to the name of the dataTable that was bound to the grid solved my problems.  Now I am able to put the summary information anywhere on the form I please. 

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