I have a Wingrid which is linked to an Ultradatasource. The datasource consists of a band with three child bands. All 4 bands have an icon as the first column. When I export the grid to Excel, only the icon on the parent rows are being exported. The icons on child rows are not exported (and thus not visible) in Excel. I'm using version 9.2 and my code is like:
this.expExcel.Export(this.ultraGrid2, "test.xls");
Ronald de Zwart.
Hi Ronald,
I'm pretty sure that this is a known bug that will be corrected in the next service release.
If you want to make absolutely sure, post a small sample project here that demonstrates the issue and I will check it out to make sure the issue is indeed fixed.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your answer. A sample project is not really needed if it's a known bug. Do you have any idea when the next service release will be released?