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Ultragrid.Print funcion causing memory issue

Hi Team,

We are using _grid.Print(UltragridLayout_, PrintDocument_, RowPropertyCategories.Hidden) to print out the grid.

However, we found the memory increased everytime after we do a printing opertaion and making our application stale if a large amout of grid is printed. The memory won't go down even after printing finished.

I did a profiling for the printing function, I found everytime after printing finished, the UltraColumns will be doubled in the grid. Below is the stack trace to show how this duplicated columns are generated.(tried on both infragistic 8.2 and 9.1)

UltraGridBand.InitListManager(BindingManagerBase, string, UltraGridBand[])
UltraGridColumn.InitPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor, UltraGridBand[])
UltraGridBand.InitListManager(BindingManagerBase, string, UltraGridBand[])
UltraGrid.PrintHelper(UltraGridLayout, PrintDocument, RowPropertyCategories)
UltraGrid.Print(UltraGridLayout, PrintDocument, RowPropertyCategories)

Any idea what's the reason for this and how to fix it?

Many Thanks,


  • 71886
    Offline posted

    Hello Xin,

    I tried this and was not able to reproduce it. I attached my sample to this post for you to review it. If the issue still persists what you could do is upgrading for the latest service release available for your current version or either download the trial for Net Advantage 11.1 and test your application agianst it.

    Please do not hesitate to ask if something comes up.
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