Scenario : I have an UltraGrid whch displays rows on a Search criteria. On firing a Search Criteria, I want to operate the specific cells in specified rows of the grid. But when I try to get the RowCount of the Grid displayed on a particular search criteria, its giving a count in thousands. when the grid shows only 5 rows retreived.
SwfWindow("SmartBox by Chevron -").SwfTable("UgrdBrowseItems").RowCount
Help me out with solution.
thnks in advance.
SwfTable("UgrdBrowseItems").Object.Rows.FilteredInRowCount - -I got the search criteria row count.
Out of them, I want to check the checkboxes in 2nd column of each row (at my liberty 1st, 3rd etc)
First i need to select the row number.
activate the cell
check the cell checkbox
Thanks in advance !!!
Where is the error exactly?
Hi Amiram
Its erroring as wrong no of arguments
Try grid.Rows.GetRowAtVisibleIndex(0).Cells["xyz"].Value = true;
I got the count correctly, but wanted to check a checkbox which is in the second column named "xyz"
of the first row.
Thnks in advance.