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Visible Header + CheckboxOnHeader leads to NullReferenceException


I'm using the CheckBoxOnHeader_CreationFilter class, which I found in the Knowledge Base, to get checkboxes on column headers:

this.ultraGrid1.CreationFilter = aCheckBoxOnHeader_CreationFilter;

I also want to use a header over tables to name them:

this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[2].HeaderVisible = true;


If I use only one of those two things, there is no exception, but when I use both I get

a NullReferenceException by the time I expand the regarding table.

I get stopped at this line:

// Only put the checkbox into headers whose DataType is boolean
if (aHeader.Column.DataType == typeof(bool))


aHeader.Column is null. Does anyone know how I can solve that problem so that I can fulfill both requirements (header AND checkboxes)?


