We have an explorerbar in outlook mode. when it is collapsed clicking the header arrow to expand, expands the header and the control container (this works as it should).
What doesn't work is when we click on the collapsed container control. When it is clicked the control container expands out leaving the header collapsed.
Need a solution to either:
1) expand the header when the control container is clicked so the UI is consistent, OR
2) dissalow the click on the control container when it is collapsed
Prefer solution #1.... Help would be greatly appreciated...
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar.Resources.Customizer.SetCustomizedString( "NavigationPaneCollapsedGroupArea_ToolTipText", string.Empty );
Great.. That works. BUT there is a tooltip/hot track text stating to "Click to expand navigation pane".
I need to turn off this text from showing up since we are no longer allowing the flyout. Only the header button allows expansion.
Thanks ....
portaltech said:When it is clicked the control container expands out leaving the header collapsed.