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How to obtain line color from scatterchart

I am using a scatterchart with connect with lines property enabled.  I'm trying to match the color of the line with the associated treeview item so i need to grab the color from the scatterchart line.  It is set to pure random right now.  I am also using series and adding each series to the ultrachart in case that matters.


this->ucLineChart->ColorModel->ModelStyle = Infragistics::UltraChart::Shared::Styles::ColorModels::PureRandom;


To recap:

I have a System::color variable that just needs to grab the correct color from a scatter chart set with pure random for the color model.



  • 185
    Verified Answer

    I ended up finding a very easy solution.  Inside my main form load event i have the following:


    this->ucLineChart->ColorModel->CustomPalette = gcnew cli::array<Color> {Color::Red, Color::Orange, Color::Yellow, Color::Green,Color::Blue, Color::Indigo, Color::Violet}; 

    this->ucLineChart->ColorModel->ModelStyle = Infragistics::UltraChart::Shared::Styles::ColorModels::CustomLinear;


    Then I add the the lines one by one using each series and after each load of a series, i grab the color like so:

    color = this->ucLineChart->ColorModel->CustomPalette[(ucLineChart->Series->Count - 1) % 7];

  • 2406


    Try using the ChartDrawItem event for the current line:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        UltraChart1.ChartDrawItem += new Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.ChartDrawItemEventHandler(UltraChart1_ChartDrawItem);
        UltraChart1.DataSource = DemoTable.Table(3);

    void UltraChart1_ChartDrawItem(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.ChartDrawItemEventArgs e)
        if (e.HasData)
            if (e.Primitive is Polyline)
                //e.Primitive.PE.Fill gives the color of the current line