Hi to all, during some R&D I tried to add a ControlCointainerTool to a Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) and I got an Exception: "The tool being added is not allowed in this tools collection.".
That Exception indicate that we can add to QAT only some type of ToolBase.I've searched information about this logical limitation (the size of QAT is fixed and I suppose this is the motivation) but I don't found it.I find how it help the EndUser to work quickly and efficently, how he can add Tools in QAT by himself..... but some information for us (developers)?? :( ;(
Anyone can help me to find information about wich type of ToolBase can added to QAT?
Davide Dolla
I don't believe there is any list indicating the types of tools that can be added to the QAT, but here are tools that cannot be added:
1. LabelTool
2. Anything derived from PopupToolBase (any drop down), with the exception of PopupRibbonGroupTool
3. Anything which cannot be added to an UltraToolbar
4. Any tool which cannot display multiple instances.
The last item explains why the ControlContainerTool cannot be added to the QAT: by default, only one instance of a ControlContainerTool can display. Change the SharedProps.AllowMultipleInstances on the tool to True to place the tool in the QAT.
"Anything derived from PopupToolBase (any drop down),"
Does that mean that I can not use a combo box? b/c I have a combobox on the ribbon and when users add it to the QAT you click the dropdown and it is blank. I fill the combo box when the modify event is clicked on the ribbon but if I hit modify and then add the newly filled combo box to the QAT it is empty. What am I missing?