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Highlight the part of the text in UltraGridCell


Please find below the code which i am using to highlight the part of the text in the UltraGridCell at runtime based on the text entered in the TextEditor, below code works fine for strings, but when i type in integer 1 in the texteditor i am getting an error "Cannot convert string to Integer"

As far as my knowledge goes in the below code since i am using Replace() with the html code in it, i assume this is not able to convert to integer which is why i get the error..

public bool DrawElement(DrawPhase drawPhase, ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
            UltraGridCell aCell;
         Font font = this.ultraGrid1.Font;
            switch (drawPhase)
                case DrawPhase.AfterDrawForeground:

          //Get a reference to the cell
          aCell = (UltraGridCell)drawParams.Element.SelectableItem;
          aCell.Activation = Activation.ActivateOnly;

                 if (aCell.Value.ToString().Contains(ultraTextEditor1.Text.Trim()))
                     aCell.Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.FormattedText;
                     string formattedText = aCell.Text.Replace(ultraTextEditor1.Text.Trim().ToString(), "<b>" + ultraTextEditor1.Text.Trim() + "<b>");
                     aCell.Value = formattedText;

Please help me to overcome this problem..

