Before upgrading to vol 2010.1 my users could enter the degree symbol by typing ALT+248 in a textbox. When doing so with vol 2010.1 it shows another symbol:
Vol 2009.2: °Vol 2010.1: ◘
This behaviour only occurs if a ultratoolbarsmanager is added to the form. It affects all edit boxes, microsoft standard aswell as infragistics.
What can I do to correct this behaviour? It's a bit annoying for my customers.
Installed SR2027 and it was fixed.
This looks very similar to issue TFS31281, which was fixed on 4/29/10. Try installing the next service release when it is released to see if that fixes your issue.
Hello Emil,
I have tried the to reproduce the mentioned behavior but without success. I have created a small sample where I have added a UltraToolsBarManager component and a few UltraTextEditor controls.
I have tried to type the symbol and in both versions I am getting the same symbol. I have also tried this under both Windows XP and Windows 7. Could you please let me know what is your environment and If I should follow any spesific steps in order to get the "other" symbol.
Actually it seems to me that this is the very same symbol but just styled differently. Are you appling any kind of styles to your application?
If you have any other questions please let me know.