Is it possible to be able to control the position of the control that is shown as a result of clicking on the drop down editor button that I have added to an ultra text editor?
I have a text editor to which I have added a drop down editor button
The drop down editor button has a control assigned to it - it is this control I would like to be able to position.
I'm adding to the ButtonsRight collection and it is being located from there expanding to the left. Ideally, I would like it to be anchored from the left side of the control and expanding out to the right (in the same way a drop down control works)
Hi Alan,
Setting the RightAlignDropDown property to false will align the control in the DropDown to the left edge of the parent control.
If you have a UltraTextEditor with a DropDrownEditorButton in the ButtonsRight collection, you may use the following code:
((DropDownEditorButton)ultraTextEditor1.ButtonsRight[0]).RightAlignDropDown = DefaultableBoolean.False;