I have a grid with addnew row at bottom
When i?m adding a row and press ENTER in the first cell of the new row
the grid position in the addrow template instead of staying in the row i'm entering
How can i prevent the grid from changing row?
I removed the ampérsand and now is working fine
I used
For Each M In FICHAS_MUTUALESUltraGrid.KeyActionMappings If M.KeyCode = Keys.Enter & M.ActionCode = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridAction.CommitRow Then FICHAS_MUTUALESUltraGrid.KeyActionMappings.Remove(M) End If Nextbut didnt work
What you probably have to do here is remove the KeyActionMapping from the grid's KeyActionMappings collection that is handling the enter key.
for (int i = this.ultraGrid1.KeyActionMappings.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) { GridKeyActionMapping gridMapping = this.ultraGrid1.KeyActionMappings[i]; if (gridMapping.ActionCode == UltraGridAction.CommitRow && gridMapping.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && (gridMapping.StateRequired & UltraGridState.AddRow) == UltraGridState.AddRow) { this.ultraGrid1.KeyActionMappings.Remove(gridMapping); } }
That doesn't really answer the question. I need to know if the row is fixed or not. What setting are you using for AllowAddNew?
i'm using addrow at the bottom