It would be nice to have a multiline node if the text overflows the space allowed. If I set multiline to true I can see there might be a second line of text but the node height would need to be adjusted. Is there a way to detect how tall the height should be for each node? I won't know if the node will need 1, 2, or 3 lines of space.
I believe that the node will automatically size depending on the text. You could see that in our 'Windows Forms Feature Browser'.
If you have this installed(if you have marked 'Samples' when installing Net Advantage), you could run it from 'Start Menu' -> 'All Programs' -> 'Infragistics' -> 'Windows Forms' -> 'Samples' -> 'Samples (local)'.
When it loads, please navigate to the 'Navigation' tab -> WinTree and then 'Launch' a sample of your choice.
Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.